Tag: beer
A is for: All hail the Lager!
Lisa DotzauerJanuary Thoughts on a Beer Mat: The craft beverage community needs to stop drinks shaming A while ago, I found myself clutching the stem of a Teku in a large industrial, unforgivably cold hangar. This abominably cold warehouse was home to a local craft beer brewery and its onsite taproom.…
L is for Like a Wine Expert – Thoughts on Mineral Water Carbonation, the Vino Sisters and overheard craft beer wisdom
Lisa Dotzauer“No, it’s a Pilsner, NOT a lager”
C is for Confusion – Cnidocyte cells, a crucial coffeehouse, someone’s cask ale and compound drinking
Lisa DotzauerConfessions of a Craft Drinker (and why my current vibe doesn’t match my tribe)
A is for Adjuncts: Answering Siren Calls and thinking about stouts
Lisa Dotzauer[Part II] A secret beer mission, talking about wood on the internet, getting generational and finding myself in beverage tourism territory
F is for Festival Glassware: Do we really need more glasses and why are you drinking out of a brandy glass?
Lisa DotzauerUnpicking mindless drinking and regimented tasting through a series of unrelated events
O is for Oak Chips – Belgian blond ales, Biermischgetränke and Black Velvet daydreams
Lisa DotzauerA broadcast of sorts, of thoughts, on beer, cocktails and beer cocktails
L is for Labels: Effective. Crafty. Traditional. A small piece of paper, fabric, or plastic attached to an object, giving information about it
Lisa DotzauerA Communiqué featuring Irish harps, Italian typewriters, and fast German cars – let’s talk labels for a moment, shall we?