Tag: Wine
L is for Like a Wine Expert – Thoughts on Mineral Water Carbonation, the Vino Sisters and overheard craft beer wisdom
Lisa Dotzauer“No, it’s a Pilsner, NOT a lager”
P is for Prosecco – Pondering Italy’s worst kept secret in terms of bubbles, and why wine simple is
Lisa DotzauerChe confusione, sarà perché ti amo
C is for Confusion – Cnidocyte cells, a crucial coffeehouse, someone’s cask ale and compound drinking
Lisa DotzauerConfessions of a Craft Drinker (and why my current vibe doesn’t match my tribe)
H is for House Wine: A white wine for drinking purposes
Lisa DotzauerCollected memories of vineyard tours, taste notes and sample pours: coastal sea breeze salinity, smoky volcanic rock minerality and lemon-lime-kiwi acidity.
N is for Natural – Naked apples, practical grape juice, and borrowing words from the craft beer scene
Lisa DotzauerMusings about the vague, yet highly charged world of natural wine and cider
C is for Chocolate-Hazelnut Spread, Cooked Ham and, well, Chianti (oh damn you rustic one)
Lisa DotzauerMoldavian wine, Wasserbrötchen and Vodka Ahoy! – unlocking hedonistic flavour combinations and remembering days gone by
L is for Labels: Effective. Crafty. Traditional. A small piece of paper, fabric, or plastic attached to an object, giving information about it
Lisa DotzauerA Communiqué featuring Irish harps, Italian typewriters, and fast German cars – let’s talk labels for a moment, shall we?
T is for Trigger Warning – January musings, hedonism and corkscrews
Lisa DotzauerKeep calm and pour on – The one which comes with a trigger warning: this article contains alcohol